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The Embroidery

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Manufacturing
  • Год Основания:   1975
  • Количество Сотрудников:   100+
  • Сайте:   No yet
  • Pakistan [Член С :  2007]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • Dear Sir / Madam It's a great honour for us to know that you and your company are fames in the field of Schiffli Embroidery Machine. We are not persuading you to buy our products and services. But I just think we can keep in touch with each other and become good friends. Do you agree? We sure, Later it must be helpful for both of us. If you want our product or service Please feel free to ask us. xxxxx Let me introduce our self first. (1)  Workshop Our Company “Saleem & Brothers Engineering works” working since 1975. We are Manufacturer (not middleman) of all parts and Repairing of Schiffli Embroidery Machines very perfectly. (2)  Services (Erection and Dismantle) We have qualified and hard working Engineers who perform perfectly Erection and Dismantle of Schiffli Embroidery Machines in whole world where we called. (3)  Traders We are also traders of Schiffli Embroidery Machine. We enjoy a very good reputation and relationships with the customers in the whole world Dear please put your focus on our products and service. Please remember us and feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and waiting for your reply. Thanks a lot. Give regards to you Tanvir  xxxxx
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Mr. Tanvir Mughal (Advertising)
    • Компания  The Embroidery
    • Адрес 
      15, Faisalabad / Panjab, Pakistan
    • Zip/Почтовый 36000
    • Телефон 92-041-8727534
    • Факс 92-041-8727534
    • Мобильный 0300-6609872