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Teletype Co.

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Exporters
  • Год Основания:   2006
  • Количество Сотрудников:   1-5
  • USA [Член С :  2006]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

    We are Teletype Co. based in Boston , USA. We are member of Tradekey.com since December, 2006. Our business is related to Electrical & Electronics Supplies industry and we specifically deal in Autonav GPS 3100. Please find our product details below: World Nav 3100 Portable Navigator Contact our web site for more details, and full line of GPS products, including laptop, PDA ETC # Pronounces street names "In 200 feet turn left on Arlington Street" # Choice of Natural Female or Male Voice Guidance # High Resolution Touch Screen # MP3 & Video Player # Picture Viewer # 2D/3D View # Automatic Reroute # Day/Night Mode # U.S. 50 states and Puerto Rico Preloaded # Space to add your own music, pictures, and video # Most extensive POI database in the industry with 12+ million POIs preloaded (USA Premium model) # Find Businesses by Phone Number or Address # Built-in Li-Ion Battery WorldNav 3100 Portable Navigator Contact our web site for more details, and full line of GPS products, including laptop,PDA ETC xxxxx # Pronounces street names "In 200 feet turn left on Arlington Street" # Choice of Natural Female or Male Voice Guidance # High Resolution Touch Screen # MP3 & Video Player # Picture Viewer # 2D/3D View # Automatic Reroute # Day/Night Mode # U.S. 50 states and Puerto Rico Preloaded # Space to add your own music, pictures, and video # Most extensive POI database in the industry with 12+ million POIs preloaded (USA Premium model) # Find Businesses by Phone Number or Address # Built-in Li-Ion Battery Thank you for taking the time to go through our business profile. If there are any question, inquiry or comments, please feel free to contact us.
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Ms. Marleen Winer (General Manager)
    • Компания  Teletype Co.
    • Адрес 
      20 Park Place, Ma, USA
    • Zip/Почтовый 02116
    • Телефон 1-617-5426220
    • Факс 1-253-6794012
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