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Spaceage Security Systems Ltd

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Manufacturing
  • Год Основания:   2000
  • Количество Сотрудников:   16-25
  • Сайте:   www.spaceage-security.com
  • India [Член С :  2007]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • We are the manufacturer of security and safety systems. We also have tie up leading security equipment manufacturers from all over the world. We manufacturer devices especially for telecom sector. Main Products: LED/Solar Aviation Light, GSM/GPRS based NOC, Rack Monitoring through TCP-IP/GPRS, Fire Alarm for BTS Shelter, Remote DC/AC Energy Monitoring, Alarm Multiplexer, Genset Optimization, CCTV Cameras, Aviation Lamp Cable, ACDB, Temperature Alarm, Free Cooling Units Access Control System etc
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Mr. sangeeta mam (Manager)
    • Компания  Spaceage Security Systems Ltd
    • Адрес 
      19/26,West Moti Bagh Ist Floor ,delhi-35, DELHI, India
    • Zip/Почтовый 11--35
    • Телефон 91-011-32902395
    • Факс 91-011-23653320
    • Мобильный 91-9891453801