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Shahiya International

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Manufacturing
  • Год Основания:   1889
  • Количество Сотрудников:   6-10
  • India [Член С :  2013]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • I would like to say i am the We are Shahiya International a leading manufacturer , supplier and exporter of carpets from India. We are supplying to us, Germany, turkey, Monaco and more. our main customer Venjara carpet, Jaipur carpet, Sam garbirano (monaco) and more .They are best world wide quality and on time delivery service providers. I Assure you, can be reliable supplier for you if you give me one chance to serve with you.Please clarify me regarding your order details. our current quality and design are as follows....... Knoted: 12 1/2/63, 14/70, 13/65, 10/10, 10/14, 6*40, 7*40. Tufted: Saiggy: Dummroon Materials: Blended wool, Hand Sapun wool, Newzeland wool, Polyster viscose, Shimmer, Mania, Rayon and Many more After checking Mail please Reply me back as soon as possible Regards: Shahiya Wana Shahiya International Carpets (Bhadohi) 8800267760, 8130566112, 9716411675
  • Контактная Информация

    • Компания  Shahiya International
    • Адрес 
      West Bengal, India
    • Телефон 91-8800267760