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Rich Art Furnishing Co., Ltd.

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Manufacturing
  • Год Основания:   1999
  • Количество Сотрудников:   100+
  • Сайте:   www.r-a-f.cn
  • China [Член С :  2006]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • We are a manufacturer specialized in PU products (POLYURETHANE). Our manufacturing facility is located in Guangdong, China with 350 skilled workers. We make high quality PU products for furniture parts and accessories of furnishing and decorative construction products. In details, our line of business includes: 1) Furniture parts: such as apron of tables, arm of chairs, headboard of beds, post of beds, even the whole piece furniture. 2) Accessories of furnishing: mirror and painting frames, wall crafts, ceiling decoration crafts and clocks are all accessories. 3) Decorative construction products: stone grain products for outside and inside of house building decoration, decorative door, ornamental molding and so on. If you need further information regarding our products and prices, please contact us. We assure you of our best co-operation and services with competitive prices. An opportunity provided by you shall go a long way in healthy profitable relationship to mutual benefit.
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Ms. rania wang (Manager)
    • Компания  Rich Art Furnishing Co., Ltd.
    • Адрес 
      Dongzong, Guangdong, China
    • Телефон 86-136-62718856
    • Факс 86-0769-23033346