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Pals Sas

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Manufacturing
  • Год Основания:   1992
  • Количество Сотрудников:   1-5
  • Сайте:   puglienzo@gmail.com
  • Italy [Член С :  2007]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • Our company, moves and starts and runs at the client company, our products, typically italian, that we found out are well liked by the American public. These products are crescents, brioches, croissant and wraps which have to be cooked exclusively in the oven; valid sweets as sandwiches at lunch or anytime, and can be stuffed with everything - cold cuts or sweets. The surface of said products can be glazed, salted, added to any other products and after the sale they keep fresh for days without deterioration. We can produce them with any weight from 10 grams to a few kilograms per piece. Afterward, they can be frozen, packed and sent. If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Mr. Vincenzo Pugliese (General Manager)
    • Компания  PALS sas
    • Адрес 
      Viale della Repubblica, 138, Italy, Italy
    • Zip/Почтовый 87100
    • Телефон 39-349-4645500
    • Факс 39-1782-246944
    • Мобильный 39-3476504986
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