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Andermahr & Company

  • Тип Бизнеса:  Others
  • Год Основания:   1982
  • Количество Сотрудников:   16-25
  • Сайте:   http://www.andermahrketing.com
  • USA [Член С :  2007]
  • Пункты доверия: 0

Информация Компании

  • Andermahr & Company has been a leader in the marketing industry for over 26 years. We have worked with a diverse group of clients. We have assisted credit unions, banks, sports equipment manufacturers, telecommunications firms, restaurants, agricultural processors, hospitals, cosmetics companies, professional associations, and community projects to greater successes with result driven marketing. With over 350 state and national awards for cutting-edge and effective marketing, Andermahr & Company has the expertise and experience to take your organization to the next level. We have put together a team of creative professionals with decades of experience spaning a huge spectrum of skills. From illustration to animation, we have you covered. If you need clear and concise marketing direction and consultation, you can count on us. We have team members with experience from the motion picture industry, cosmetics industry, finance and banking industry, technology and software development industry, retail and commerce industry and the government and non-profit communities. A New, Creative Approach Specializing in unconventional delivery channels, Andermahr & Company has effectively marketed to the GenX and GenY targets. As experts in the utilization of both online and offline marketing channels. Andermahr & Company creates brands and strategies that are perceived as contemporary and popular, but without the air of heavy commercialism. Marketing to the youth demographics using specialized, targeted focus groups and reserch brings the focus of your brand and products to the next generation of America's consumers. Andermahr & Company has a fresh, creative approach to your brand and company.
  • Контактная Информация

    • Контактное Лицо  Mr. Tony Mannor (Advertising)
    • Компания  Andermahr & Company
    • Адрес 
      3731 Metro Drive Suite C, California, USA
    • Zip/Почтовый 95215
    • Телефон 1-209-4674800
    • Факс 1-209-4673516